If you plan to order a custom-made logo ties to celebrate your college, company or your association and even promoting your brand. We specifically recommend digital printing for your custom logo ties.
If you're looking to get a promotional logo ties with digital print, then you've found the right place! Your designs are in safe hands, our technicians have deep experience when it comes with digital printing in polyester fabric, ensuring every piece is of top quality.
Digital printing is a fast and modern technique which became popular in the 1980s. The entire pattern is printed at the same time on a roll of fabric(silk, polyester, cotton, etc..)
Digital printing is recommended for intricate and complex designs featuring many colours and gradients. Though the backside of the tie will always appear slightly paler than the front side of it, especially if the design or artwork has many dark colours.
As the design is printed onto the fabric, the background colour must also be printed. When the background is a dark colour, it's usually necessary to print a keyline between the background and the motif to avoid colours bleeding together.
Polyester is the most fabric choice of 90% of all custom made logo ties. Polyester yarns are durable & resistant to everyday wear. Custom logo ties, designed with digital printing & made in polyester have a crush free profile that lets your tie bounce back to its original shape.
Uniform & Logo Ties all over the world chooses polyester for its strength, its economic benefit and the fact that a polyester necktie will most likely always outlast the wearer.